Thursday, April 16, 2009


Randall Brown don't know the first thing.


Genie said...

Best. Fight. Ever.

Bryan Baltz said...

That was great! Hilarious and brilliant.

Joseph Young said...

Hey, thanks, Genie, Bryan!

Linda Campbell Franklin/Barkinglips said...

Gulp, breathe, forget breathing, write, make stuff, diddle someone's uvula, stroke some letter like "R" or spit a "t", imagine 130 billion vs. a nanosecond. I loved this argument, but wonder if there is only the present at any moment, can't a piece of microfiction be a blink or a unblinking gaze? blah blah. Now I'm trying to be poetic/prosey. I put my berets away for the nonce. Hey! Nonce Fiction.